Winter Health and Beauty Tips

Stay hydrated!
But here are some tips
♥ Drink lots of water. There are so many ways to make water exciting and even healthier by adding fruit. I make an herbal fruit tea out of 5 kinds of tea – famously known as Tina’s Tea. You can also keep it simple – hot or cold water with lemon is a trusted favorite. I have to share I have purchased a Zero Water Filter and am very impressed with it. Most of our water is unfortunately not as clean as we would expect so I highly recommend this.
♥ Keep a humidifier in your bedroom and at work keep a mini one near your desk.
♥ Use a water based facial spray – our healthy aura sprays can be used in this way, especially the Rose. This is specifically important in highly heated rooms or in an airplane.

stay moisturized!
♥ Our skin needs constant TLC so carry a small moisturizer with you at all times. Our rosehip seed oil is the perfect skin solution for all ages and types. What I do is pour part of the bottle into a smaller bottle so it can easily fit into any size purse or pocket, don’t leave home without it, really. Our stock is very limited this year because of last year’s bad harvest and we are all eagerly awaiting a high quality harvest. This is a great article about how Rosehip Seed Oil is the new Coconut Oil – sort of hilarious to us as we’ve been promoting it for over 15 years!
♥ Moisturize your body and face morning and night, and in-between. We tend to only think about moisturizing after a shower but our skin craves moisture all the time so be kind to yourself and give your skin moisturizing touch-ups throughout the day. If you have dry skin definitely be mindful of this and apply 2-3 times a day for sure!
♥ Don’t forget your hands and feet! A great time to do this is right before bed. I always keep a bottle of our Rosehip Seed Oil next to my bed. And I take advantage of this time to give myself a mini foot massage and open my gaits. Also right before you put your socks on in the morning is a great time to put moisturizer on you feet – again massage your feet especially on the part of your foot that is between the big and 2nd toe, down to the bottom of the top pad – before it dips into the soft underbelly of your food. Massage there with a wave motion – this will energize your K1 (Kidney Meridian), which will jump-start your energy for the day.

stay healthy
♥ Sit in the sun for 10-15 minutes everyday.
♥ Do the thymus thump daily to keep your immune system strong. For this and other great ways to stay healthy check out immune boosters.
♥ Keep your body moving for at least 30-40 minutes a day – doesn’t matter how, just keep it moving.
♥ Do your 5-minute Eden Energy Medicine routine – especially the zip-up, Celtic weave and connecting heaven and earth.

be in harmony with what you eat
Eat seasonally, our bodies want that. Tony has a famous vegetable bake – it is amazing! He does it all year round and the ingredients change with the seasons. He just buys (or gets it from his garden in the summer) a bunch of different veggies, cuts them up, throws them in a glass cooking pan, adds olive oil, salt, pepper and that’s it – this is a highly requested dish amongst his friends!
♥ Winter vegetables – this is a general list, some of these are ready beginning of winter others later: Asparagus, Beets, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Collards, Endive, Green onions, Kale, Kohlrabi, Garlic, Leeks, Winter Lettuce, Onions, Parsnips, Sugersnap Peas and peashoots, Radishes, Rutabaga, Spinach, Swiss Chard and Turnips.
♥ Practice conscious cooking and be a respectful eater. The act of cooking is important unto itself. You must bring your awareness to what you are doing because you are transferring your energy into the food; make sure it’s good energy.
See the mood foods below
♥ Beat the heat – Beyond sleeping with your humidifier on they have great small ones now you can put on your desk at work – both places need it! This is a great time of year to steam in every form possible! If you are not near hot springs or have a steam room or shower we will take care of you. Our flowering facial steam is euphorically cleansing and moisturizing! The experience itself is blissful but steaming your face will really help with the harsh elements our skin must endure cold winds and drying heat.
♥ Get natural – My most naturalist friend, skincare wise, is Ashley Hudson and she turned me onto cleaning with honey! Use raw honey and rub in circular motions. Add a bit of baking soda – maybe a bit of water if it’s too textured but beyond cleansing this is a great nature exfoliant.
♥ Mindful shaving
Male or female we all have run into shaving challenges. My friend Ashley Hudson says, “If I can’t eat it, it doesn’t go on my skin”. We were discussing shaving and she told me she uses raw coconut oil as a shaving oil / cream and then uses our Coconut Bliss to moisturize her skin afterward and she has no bumps or ingrown hairs so give it a try everyone!
I was getting some bumps after shaving my legs as it got cold because I would get goose bumps in the shower which lead to a harder shave and I have been using out Rewilding Aftershave – so it’s not just for men anymore!
♥ Pamper Yourself This time of year it’s especially important to nurturer and nourish our body and soul. Do as many self-soothing behaviors as you can and this will activate and energize your pathways of joy in your body called Radiant Circuit’s.
We suggest enjoying a night of beauty!And, check out Natural Beauty.

Be in harmony with the elements
Check out the 5-Elements and specifically how to balance them. Every season has specific elemental emotions that are heightened during that time of the year. We are in winter, which is the metal element. Winter is a time of reflection – it is not uncommon for grief to come up, but it comes up to go out, this is the time to let it go. When this element is balanced you feel the awe and wonder in life. This is also a great time to plant the seeds you want to sow in the spring. It’s a time to dream beautiful dreams and visualize who you want to be and align your energies and actions to be in vibration with that.

be in harmony with yourself
We are always evolving so during this time of reflection get to know you again. Think about who your true self is, your higher self, and ask is your life in vibration with what you want and who you want to be. It’s also a good time to look and see if the vision you have of yourself is the reality. Now is the perfect time to figure it out and metaphorically plant the seeds of manifestation for what you want. Also be open to shedding what isn’t working in your life – honor it and then let it go.

It’s time to find your truth, find your gold and to connect with what feeds your soul. To laugh more, love more and allow life to unfold into an unknown but trusted path. This is also the perfect time of year to make sure your Radiant Circuits – your pathways of joy – are activated. This can really help if you have the seasonal blues.

Food Moods
♥Nature is amazing – it’s in the winter we can feel “blue” more often and that is the time of year the dark green leafy vegetables are in season – and these food help our mood – I LOVE that. I will be adding more detailed information about this post but for now…..
♥ Always test before you ingest! Like energy our bodies’ chemistry is always changing meaning so our nutritional needs. Learning to test what your body wants in the present moment is empowering, everyday can be different. Eden Energy Medicine has a great protocol and I would check out how to use a pendulum too because I know so many people who successfully use that to decide if a food is right for them at that moment.
♥ Always eat seasonally

on the menu
♥ Dark leafy greens.
♥ Lots of protein and fermented foods.
♥ Fruits like Cherry’s and oranges, and it’s jam season! So put some jam on any kind of complex carb and you feed your body happy and relaxing food. The best for you is any type of grain that is “sprouted” and you usually find that in the freezer section of your local health food store.
♥ Take your daily vitamin and if it ok with your body, you can energy test, take Vitamin B, C and Omgea-3’s and blue/green algae is amazing!
♥ Herbs of St. Johns Wort, ginseng and ginkgo biloba.

off the menu
♥ Anything “diet” – your body just doesn’t know what to do with it so it doesn’t process in a healthy way. Especially stay away from aspartame because not only is straight out harmful but it is also believed to block the production of serotonin – the feel good chemical!
♥ Anything white and processed – it just turns to sugar once it’s in your body!
♥ If you eat meat do it ethically. If you eat fish stay away from “farmed” fish. Know your source.

Check out Natural Immune Boosters

Great resources: Food as Medicine by Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
And an article on the Oprah site called “What to eat when you are feeling blue”. Eating Seasonally.