The Spinal Flush


  • Gets the Lymph system going, it doesn’t have its
    own pump so it needs to be massaged, thumped
    and/or activated through exercise
  • Clears toxins
  • Balances the organ associated with the lymphatic
    reflex point

With a partner: Have your partner lie down or stand with arms up against a wall. Place your fingers or knuckles one inch from either side of your partner’s spine. Using your body weight push in making two to three circular pushes starting from the top of the spine. Move down the outside of the spine, following each vertebra, all the way down to the base. Repeat two to three times.

Do a Sacral Rock (rocking the person back and forth) after the Flush because not only does it feel relaxing it gets the toxins you have just released moving so that they don’t settle back into the muscles.