Chakra Oils w/ Chakra Crystal


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you create your reality

Benefits: For health, happiness and balance. Pressure point therapy or layer for personalized fragrance. With chakra crystals. Energetic support for optimal physical, emotional and energetic health. Each oil strengthens and balances its matching chakra for a true energetic transformation. Healing crystal in bottle to keep the oils and energy fresh.

Usage: Layer a couple of oils to create your own unique fragrance. For a deeper experience you can apply the oil directly onto its corresponding chakra. Add one or more to your Energy Balancing Bath.

Insiders Tip: When putting on the chakra oil take a moment to hold your hands gently on your face allowing you to fully inhale the therapeutic scent. Affirm to yourself the energy you want this oil to generate for you – such as self-esteem, love, openness and breath that energy in. Take the one you especially need that day with you and repeat the above process for a quick energy boost.

Ingredient Information.

Enhances the qualities of each chakra

First, Base Chakra: Strength / Charisma
Second, Sacral Chakra: Sexuality / Creativity
Third, Solar plexus Chakra: Self esteem / Focus
Fourth, Heart Chakra: Love / Balance
Fifth, Throat Chakra: Communication / Confidence
Sixth, Third Eye Chakra: Intuition / Clarity
Seventh, Crown Chakra: Serenity  / Expansion

1/4 oz bottles

Goes really well with our Chakra Stones

Learn more about Chakras here

Caution: Please use common sense when using any product on your face or body. All products are for external use only. Give yourself a patch test* before you begin use. And remember, you are in a constant state of change; so if irritation occurs, immediately discontinue use. If condition persists, see your doctor.

* Patch test: Apply a small amount of the product on your wrist. If no irritation occurs within 24 hours, it’s fine to use.

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