Yellow/Solar Plexus Chakra

yello-solar-pelxusThe frequency of the color yellow matches the 3rd, or solar plexus, chakra, located in the solar plexus between the navel and the rib cage.

It is our intellectual body and our second intuitive center (after orange).

This is where our thoughts and opinions are formed and controlled. Your gut instinct, which originates in the orange chakra as an emotion, appears here in a more cerebral form. It generates personal power. It is the part of us that can sense the feelings of others.

The yellow chakra is the center that is most easily sapped by other people because it is associated with our self-esteem and our opinion of ourselves. If you were drawn to this color, use your intuition to figure out where your inner power is being drained.

Are you too critical of yourself, or is there a specific person or situation that is draining your energy? If it’s you, work with yellow and the color green together, as green promotes self-love. But if it’s an outside force, separate yourself from it. If you can’t detach yourself, protect yourself instead by rebuilding your self-esteem.


Imagine your solar plexus area glowing with light and inside this sunshine-filled space see yourself as a young child. Talk to yourself as if you were your own child and tell her that you love her, she’s beautiful and she’s done such a good job. Breathe it in.

Affirmation: I am good to myself.

Physical benefits:

  • Aids in the breakdown of fatty acids and starches
  • Assists in mineral assimilation
  • Good for digestive problems
  • Can ease ulcers
  • Helps constipation, diabetes, stomach, gall bladder, kidney, liver, rheumatism, spleen, cramps, piles, alcohol poisoning

Metaphysical benefits:

  • Stimulates our intellect
  • Reawakens enthusiasm for life
  • Promotes free will
  • Eases psychosomatic disease
  • Helps us sense others feelings
  • Center of empathy and psychic impressions
  • Promotes confidence and optimism