The frequency of the color violet matches the 6th, or third eye, chakra, located between the eyebrows and related to the pituitary gland.
It is our celestial body and the place of knowledge and understanding that enables us to “see” intuitively.
According to the Hopi Indians, human consciousness is evolving into the violet chakra. This chakra allows us to see or sense energy around us and connect with our psychic selves. It also allows us to have detachment so that we can look objectively at the people and situations in our lives.
Being drawn to this color suggests that it is a time for you to connect with your spirit and reflect upon the people and situations in your life without attaching desire or fear. Using violet energy will help you to see things for what they are.
See your third eye glowing with violet light and connecting you to your spirit. You are calm and open to all information. You can see truth without making judgments. You can see people and situations as they really are, without fear or desire. You are allowing your intuitive wisdom to send messages to your conscious mind. Breathe it in.Affirmation: I see through the illusion.
Physical benefits:
- Aids physical manifestation
- Influences the pituitary and endocrine system
- Helps the immune system
- Affects the sinuses, ears, eyes and face
- Helps assimilate minerals
- Helps alcohol poisoning, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, cataracts, convulsions, lung trouble, nervous ailments, headaches, nose bleeds, pneumonia, sense of smell and arthritis
Metaphysical benefits:
- Purifies and balances both physically and spiritually
- Stimulates inspiration
- Promotes humility
- Stimulates dream activity
- Helps us open up to past lives during meditation
- Promotes visualization
- Affects clairvoyance and intuition
- Aids perception and imagination