Green/Heart Chakra

green-chakraThe frequency of the color green matches the 4th, or heart, chakra, located in the center of the chest near the heart and related to the thymus, a part of the lymph system.

It is our astral body and where we travel to in our sleep.

Note: We want to share that through our extensive work with this chakra we believe most healthy hearts have a pink energy around the green. Pink is a very loving and happy color. It attracts love and promotes giddiness.

The heart chakra links the three physical chakras of the lower body (the basethe sacral and solar-plexus) to the three spiritual chakras in the upper body, merging matter and spirit. It is also the place where our masculine and feminine energies meet. When balanced one feels safe, able to trust, love, feel loved and take risks. Green is about love.

So when you are drawn to this color you need to take stock, to see if you’re holding on to grief and/or anger. Holding on to negative emotions like hurt, anger and resentment takes up negative space in your heart chakra and blocks the love you are able to give and receive. You need to let these things go and allow space for positive new things to happen to you. Forgiveness is usually a big part of this process and green energy will provide the support you need.


Imagine your heart area is glowing with your ideal green. See the glow spreading with every breath. You are letting go of all grief, anger and pain. You are being suffused with pure love energy. This love energy is extending outward, as far outward as your mind will take you, into the infinite universe. Feel the love energy flowing out and feel the abundant love energy flowing in. Breathe it in.

Affirmation: I think and act with love.

Physical benefits:

  • Calms our physical body
  • Activates our innate healing abilities
  • Influences the thymus gland and immune system
  • Tied to the heart and pulmonary activities and circulatory system
  • Aids assimilation of nutrients
  • Aids tissue regeneration
  • Helps anxiety, ulcers, asthma, back disorders, colic, exhaustion, hay fever, laryngitis, malaria, nerves, piles

Metaphysical benefits:

  • Promotes unconditional love
  • Increases our sensitivity and compassion
  • Revitalizes over-worked minds
  • Awakens greater hope, faith and peace
  • Promotes personal transformation
  • Helps irritability and sleeplessness
  • Balances our energies