Blue/Throat Chakra

blue-chakraThe frequency of the color blue matches the 5th, or throat, chakra, located in the throat and related to the thyroid gland.

This chakra is unique because it not only has seven layers but also has seven chambers, which makes sense because we can speak or listen from any of our chakras depending on your point of view at that time. It is where we find our higher potential and manifest our dreams.

We do our listening from this chakra and when this center is open you are able to speak with honesty and clarity and express your true feelings with love. This is where our social consciousness resides; it’s the center that asks if you are living and speaking your truth. If you are not, you create a blockage that usually manifests as depression or a physical problem in the throat. Addiction and/or willpower problems are also held here.

The blue energy will strengthen your true individuality, your will and your ability to live truthfully and communicate effectively. It also strengthens your belief in fate, that everything happens for a reason and that, so as long as you are living truthfully, your decisions will lead you to where you need to be.


Envision a situation or relationship that you want to work on surrounded by a blue light. Visualize yourself effectively communicating and taking action to positively resolve the issue. Your intentions come from love. Breathe it in.

Affirmation: I am my higher self.

Physical benefits:

  • Helps headaches
  • Tied to the functions of the throat, esophagus, mouth, teeth and thyroid.
  • Affects respiratory system and entire vocal apparatus.
  • Helps acne (light blue), allergies (dark blue), anxiety (light blue), excessive appetite, burns, fevers, nausea [ice blue], baldness, cataracts, colic, diarrhea, any inflammation, epilepsy, itching, jaundice and laryngitis
  • Very healing color for children

Metaphysical benefits:

  • Eases loneliness
  • Detoxes the body and mind
  • Soothes and relaxes
  • Awakens intuition and artistic expression
  • Aids meditation
  • Helps manifest greater abundance
  • Aids telepathy and promotes self expression