The Message from Water


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by Dr. Masaru Emoto

This documents the water study by Dr. Masaru Emoto in Japan in coordination with I.H.M General Research Institute. The study was truly revolutionary in the way it proved the effect our thoughts and words have on water. It also documents the effects pictures, music and the energy of an area has on water. It’s thought provoking as he connects the dots between this study, our bodies and the effects on our well-being. Dr. Emoto tells us of the message water has for us and that is to look within ourselves. It’s a beautiful book with stunning pictures of water molecules treated with different energies – such as the difference between love and hate – you have to see it to believe it. It’s worthy of any coffee table, for looks and conversation.

From the publisher: World’s first water crystal photograph book This book outlines the beginning of Dr. Emoto’s work, how he came upon his idea of photographing water crystals, how the environment influences water, problems with contamination, and quality. He then moves onto pictures of the crystals when subjected to sounds, music, and voices.

Who is Dr Masaru Emoto: Dr. Masaru Emoto is an internationally renowned researcher who has gained worldwide acclaim by showing how water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness. His message is simple, profound, and far-reaching.

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