Chi machine


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This machine increases the oxygenation of your body and is reported to have many other therapeutic benefits, such as reducing pain and fatigue. It has a stimulating effect on our physical and non-physical bodies. I use mine about every other day.

From the supplier: The Sun Harmony Chi Machine is FDA Regulated – Class 1 Medical Device Therapeutic Massager and has been used successfully by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, with many remarkable benefits reported by users…
More energy: a greater sense of well being
Stronger and more limber spine and joints
Firming and toning of thighs, hips, buttocks
Sounder and more restful sleep
Greater ease in getting going in the morning
Stronger immune system, fewer or no colds
Better stamina
Alleviation of many stress-related conditions, headaches (including migraines), anxiety, depression, constipation, etc.
Improved function of the internal organs
Improved circulation of the blood
Weight loss

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