Abundance bowl


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This Original Abundance Bowl is 6 to 9 lbs. and comes complete with salt chunks. Comes with a bulb and 6 foot cord requiring some simple assembly.

You can use our Abundance Bowl in many ways. It has all the benefits of Himalayan Rock Salt that I have listed, plus you can use it as a Feng Shui tool as well. Using the black hat method, I suggest placing the abundance bowl in any area of your home that you are trying to improve energetically. See Feng Shui Anthology

You can also program the rock salt as you would a crystal. Quietly sit and as you are putting the rock salt into the bowl set an intention. With the rock in your hand, visualize yourself in a happy outcome, with anything you want to bring into your life, and then put that rock into the bowl. Repeat as necessary. This way, the energy of your intentions manifesting will be radiating out into the universe every time you turn on the lamp. You can gaze at it and go off into a beautiful daydream.

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