Celtic Weave & Figure-8’s

Figure-8s. At this point you should be feeling revitalized and, if you’re in tune with your energy, you will feel the re-balancing that you have done. It’s a really wonderful feeling! Next you want to cleanse your energy and fluff your aura, so take a few deep breaths as you bring your hands above your head. As you exhale, let your arms continuously cross over each other in a flowing manner while slowly bending over until you are hanging over your toes. Next take a deep breath and swing your arms in figure-8 motions from side to side and when it feels right, begin to roll your spine upward. As you are coming up, continue to swing your arms in a figure-8 motion, allowing both arms to flow to the left and then the right. Let the figure-8 freely extend past your physical body. Let your body get involved by just allowing it to groove into its own figure 8. Let your intuition guide you to what feel best. Finish back where you started, hands above your head. Now move your hip area in a figure-8 motion while you bring your hands down along the side of your body. Move your hands in tiny figure-8 motions as you do this. Figure-8s will clear the energy in your energy field and environment. It also naturally creates crossovers, which are healing to the body. Again, make sure you are breathing and smile… smiling is a great therapy.