Positive Thought

The Positive Energy Home

The Positive Energy Home

The Positive Energy Home  Our home is our haven, our retreat. It’s where we see our mate, family, and friends, and where we spend time…

Heart Opening

This is freeform as always but there is a powerful heart cleaning and opening. Then a visualization to open your crown chakra to source energy….

The Wayne Cook

The Wayne Cook. Sit down with your right leg ankle over the left knee. Place your right hand over the bottom of your right foot and…

Beauty & Your Energy

Feeling and looking good doesn’t have to be complicated. By empowering yourself with self-care and grounding yourself in natural beauty you’ll have powerful tools to create…

Earth Energies

Mother Earth gives us life, breath and healing. Now is the time to give some of that back to honor & help heal her. Earth…

The Many Cristina’s

This is apart of a three part story about my shamanic Journey in Colombia, December 2016. The other posts are a Wondrous Heart Opening and…

Finding Deep Self-Love

Finding Deep Self-Love A Portal To Pleiades: Mayan Journey: Part 4 Also see Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Five Tina’s Note: This experience…

Getting What You Need

Mayan Shamanic Journeys: Part 3 Also see Part One, Part Two, Part Four, Part Five I admit I have had a tendency in the past…

Opening Your Heart

Mayan Shamanic Journeys: Part 2 Also see Part One, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five The Set Up On the second day of our trip…

Om Ah Hum Breathing

I have had the great pleasure of speaking with the owner of Do Kham, Phelgye Kelden, for over 15 years. I would stop in to…

Positively Speaking…

The psychology buzz word for affirmations is “self-talk” Since I was a child I have been taught to say affirmations and honestly that’s exactly what…

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction tells us that energy, is attracted to like energy – and everything is energy. So whatever energy we are in vibration…

A Harmonic Journey

I use “journey’s” which you can say is a guided meditation / interactive visualization to help me connect with my highest self, my harmonic self,…

Give Good Energy

The law of attraction tells us that energy, is attracted to like energy so if you are a loving person you will receive love back….

Everything Is Possible

See all your possibilities. What are you open to? What is possible for you? During this visualization really let go of the self doubts or…


When we are wanting to change, we have to take time to be grateful to ourselves and to everything around us in this present moment…

You Are Love

Close your eyes, take a deep breath slowly in your nose and out your mouth and turn your attention inward. The universe is filled with…

Crown Pull

Crown Pull Benefits: Increased mental clarity, sharpens memory and clears negative and/or cluttered thoughts. Opens the crown chakra and inspires creativity. Can relieve a headache….

Heaven Rushing In

Heaven Rushing In Benefits: Brings in feelings of inspiration and happiness Expands your consciousness, and your energy sense of being Connected to the “heavens” Overcome sadness…

The Biology of Belief

The post title is a great book by Bruce Lipton exploring how our thoughts and fundamental beliefs help to create our realities. Throughout time we…

Gratitude Meditations

In the present is when we truly feel deep gratitude and that gratitude spreads like a warm blanket over everyone and everything. I am grateful…

Intention Candles

Intention Candles are great to do anytime of year but especially holidays and during special celestial events, such as a Supermoon, New Moon, Full Moon…

Love Is Enough

It is so easy to get caught up in thought stress loops, which just block us in everyway possible. Tony’s latest post got me thinking…

Breaking Habits

I have been observing my negative habit patterns, a continuous experiment of how easily I into fall into the negative or easier way of doing…

Conscious Cooking

I should start with the Eden Energy Medicine motto – “Test before you Ingest“, you can watch Tony and I demonstrating this on our sister…

Caring For The Practitioner

Practice Good Energy It has now become essential to know how to maintain healthy energy in yourself and to protect yourself against the energetically cluttered…

How To Use A Pendulum

Using pendulumsA pendulum is typically a pointed crystal that hangs on a chain from which it sways in various directions depending on the purpose it…

Quickie Energy Balance

THE QUICKIE energy balance  Adapted from Eden Energy Medicine Have partner lying face down Take a deep breadth, with your hands on their back –…

Chakra Clearing & Balancing

Strengthen and Balance Your Chakra Benefits: Releases emotional toxins Creates emotional balance Helps you resolve the “stories” that create obstacles in your life Increases overall…

K27 Thump

K-27s. First you vigorously thump what’s called your K-27s. These are the two spots just under the center of your collarbone (really a bit out and…

Thymus Thump

Thymus. The second thump is in the middle of your sternum or right between your nipples. It’s the hard spot on your chest. Thump this very…

Spleen Thump

Spleen. The last thump begins three or four inches under your armpit and continues along your bra-line to under the nipples. This area is bound to…

The Crown Pull

Crown pull. Since your hands are near your forehead, this creates the perfect transition into a crown pull. Start by gently placing your hands on your…