

Introducing meditation into your life is one of the single most important step you can take towards the elimination of stress and a true understanding…

Self Care Journey

I’m in a very freeform state of shamanic energy medicine and I’m just sharing the journey, this isn’t formal….I share as I am discovering and…

Beauty & Your Energy

Feeling and looking good doesn’t have to be complicated. By empowering yourself with self-care and grounding yourself in natural beauty you’ll have powerful tools to create…

Opening Your Heart

Mayan Shamanic Journeys: Part 2 Also see Part One, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five The Set Up On the second day of our trip…

Om Ah Hum Breathing

I have had the great pleasure of speaking with the owner of Do Kham, Phelgye Kelden, for over 15 years. I would stop in to…

The Three Gratitude’s

When I spent time in different Asian countries I had the great fortune to go to many temples and I noticed they all had different…

Finding Your Safe Place

Once you have established your safe place you can connect with it effortlessly anytime you need to. Begin by sitting or lying in a quiet…

Positively Speaking…

The psychology buzz word for affirmations is “self-talk” Since I was a child I have been taught to say affirmations and honestly that’s exactly what…

Breadth Is Life

Breath is life. It creates space inside our body, and energy needs space to flow. It keeps us alive on the physical level and it’s…

Active Meditation

Active meditation or affirming what you want can include a mantra repeated over and over, such as Om, Love or Joy and it can include…

Hum Sa Breath

I spent a week in Costa Rica at a retreat called Pura Vida. I love yoga, eco-adventures and healing retreats; they are always profound. But,…

Gratitude Meditations

In the present is when we truly feel deep gratitude and that gratitude spreads like a warm blanket over everyone and everything. I am grateful…

10 Minute Practice

At the start of each meditation session, light some incense or ring a bell or singing bowl and give thanks to your higher power. Keep…

Five Minute Centering

You can do this anytime and almost anywhere. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and deeply, slowly breathe in and out through your nose. In……