
Self Care Journey

I’m in a very freeform state of shamanic energy medicine and I’m just sharing the journey, this isn’t formal….I share as I am discovering and…

Beauty & Your Energy

Feeling and looking good doesn’t have to be complicated. By empowering yourself with self-care and grounding yourself in natural beauty you’ll have powerful tools to create…

Art Is A Therapy

Where Do You Start? With a pencil and paper (a regular pencil or colored – both are great). With a canvas, a brush and some…

A Harmonic Journey

I use “journey’s” which you can say is a guided meditation / interactive visualization to help me connect with my highest self, my harmonic self,…

Increase Intuition

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and turn your attention inward. You feel connected to the earth and its clarity… you are safe, you…

Experience Your Own Energy

Empower yourself by feeling the power of your own energy. We are electromagnetic beings cable of sensing and using this energy to heal ourselves. Our…

The Healing Lotus

With your eyes closed take a few deep breathes in your noise and out your mouth. In your minds eye see yourself letting go of…

Following The Energy

Donna Eden always says to “Follow the energy” and this isn’t only for Energy Medicine its for life. I just had a very powerful trip…

Intention Candles

Intention Candles are great to do anytime of year but especially holidays and during special celestial events, such as a Supermoon, New Moon, Full Moon…

How To Use A Pendulum

Using pendulumsA pendulum is typically a pointed crystal that hangs on a chain from which it sways in various directions depending on the purpose it…

Quickie Energy Balance

THE QUICKIE energy balance  Adapted from Eden Energy Medicine Have partner lying face down Take a deep breadth, with your hands on their back –…

Chakra Clearing & Balancing

Strengthen and Balance Your Chakra Benefits: Releases emotional toxins Creates emotional balance Helps you resolve the “stories” that create obstacles in your life Increases overall…

The Crown Pull

Crown pull. Since your hands are near your forehead, this creates the perfect transition into a crown pull. Start by gently placing your hands on your…