Donna Eden always says to “Follow the energy” and this isn’t only for Energy Medicine its for life. I just had a very powerful trip to see my mother, which I will be writing about soon, but since I’ve been back I have felt a deep inner centeredness and peace.
This afternoon all the sample oils I had ordered for our hormone balancing formula arrived and I let them sit there for a few hours, went for a walk and when I came home I felt drawn to the oils. I watched myself, without thinking if that makes sense, begin to follow the energy. I sat with 10 essential oils in front of me and I instinctively picked up each oil to see if it felt right and I ended up with five oils. I set my intent of what I wanted the benefits to be and smelt each oil and immediately I knew which to use more of and which to use less.
The samples are small so I used a dropper to measure out the formula, 30 drops of this, 10 drops of that etc. – converting that into a 1/4th or ½ oz bottles will be super fun, not really. So now I have this small bottle maybe ¼ full and its golden to me. I really believe we have guides and that without doubt I had help making this formula. I had been a bit nervous because you never know – sometimes it just comes to you and sometimes it ends in tears. I’m wearing it now and feel amazing. I feel a deep sense of stability and joy.
I don’t want to build it up, it’s all subjective. I will say this, it’s powerfully effective. I am so grateful I followed the energy and I can’t wait to share it. The name could change but we’re thinking “Hormone Balance : Formula #1”
I wanted to share this because when we are clear within ourselves we allow inspiration to flow through us. When we let that inspiration manifest into anything we do in our lives we can feel immense joy. Working on your self really pays and I am reaping the benefits. Self-care is the key.