Mindful Services


Energy Medicine

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Mayan Happiness Journey’s

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Cristina Bornstein (Tina) is a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, Mindful Self-Care Teacher, Reiki Master, Visualization, Meditation Guide and author of Tony&Tina Color Energy, How Color Can Transform Your Life. Beginning as young as a teenager, Tina has walked a holistic path with great curiosity. She has worked with many teachers in many modalities – Shaman, Tibetan monks, meditation masters, reiki masters and visualization and meditation specialist. The majority of her studies over the last 20 years has been with Donna Eden and many of her wonderful protégés. Energy medicine is the modality that integrated all her other studies creating a harmony of effective self-care techniques and rewarding client relationships.

Tina has hosted Vibrational Remedy Workshops all over the world, through Tony&Tina, with a focus on colortherapy, chakras, intentional visualizations and protective self-care tools. Tina is lovingly dedicated to helping others find more health, happiness and inspiration in their lives.

Tina has been working with essential oils for over 20 years. Self-taught, Tina has developed a deep intuition for creating unique and healing oil blends.

Here is what people have to say about her work

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