
Organic Lemon Citrus Limonum

Life qualities: Lively, Extroverted, Direct, Humorous, Versatile, Conscious

Extract signature: The essential oil of Lemon contains a high dosage of vitamin C, making it a great tonic for the endocrine system. Rejuvenating, cleansing and purifying, it has a positive effect on the digestive system and thought of as a “cure all” for infectious diseases.

It builds up our immunity by stimulating the production of white blood cells. Its releasing properties liquefy the blood, lowering high blood pressure and increasing the flow in varicose veins. Lemon oil is also great for the mind and Central Nervous System, treating neuralgia, headaches and migraines. It is great for meditation because it helps focus the mind.

Lemon oil also increases self-confidence, leading to a more positive outlook on life.