The Positive Energy Home
Our home is our haven, our retreat. It’s where we see our mate, family, and friends, and where we spend time alone. It’s where we can let our hair down, relax, celebrate, entertain, meditate, plan, reminisce, eat, sleep, love. It is our spiritual center. As an extension of our personal energy, it should remind us of where we want life to take us. If you long for simplicity, then your home should reflect that. If you are on a spiritual path, then let your home set the stage. Begin by creating an enchanted environment for yourself. You want to feel calm and happy here and you’ll find that by using color in a deliberate way you’ll be making your home energetically supportive – a joyful backdrop to your life.
Home is where we can achieve the highest level of Self-Care and Cristina has an extensive Home Energy Toolbag. She has worked in the field of energy healing for over 20 years and has done many home energy consultations based on what she has coined The Positive Energy Home. Her goal is to facilitate people to get a true fresh start and set the stage for how they want to live. There are many tools available to enhance the energy and quality of your home and she has extensive experience in this area. She offers a variety of Positive Home Energy guidance tools.
Creating a relaxed, personalized, and organized space is the key to meshing well with your customers and clients. The infusion of aromas, strategically selected color schemes, and designated room energies all work in harmony to help define your customers’ and clients’ needs and intentions. Learn how to foster peace and positivity within the space, within your mind, and most importantly, within your customer or client.
The Positive Energy Home at A Glance
- Conduct energy clearings through Sage and Palo Santo.
- Bless your apartment through candles, sound therapy, and intention.
- Rock salt lamps and selenite lamps will ensure positive energy flowing throughout your home. (Make sure that all of your lamps are strategically positioned.)
- Define the vibration your clients want to live in. Vibrations set the stage for who your clients are and where they want to go in life.
- Nature heals; houseplants raise the vibration of your home and can filter the air.
- Make sure your apartment has good feng shui (black hat style).
- Give each room its own energetic personality. For example, the bedroom should be a relaxation room and the living room should be reserved for socializing. Use the techniques above to create positive energy environments in each of the rooms in your home.
- Create a sacred space. Every home should have a space where you can connect with your source. You want to do this in one area repetitively, so that you build up a morphogenetic field. For instance, if you meditate in one area of your home regularly, each time you practice mediation, you will be able to achieve inner peace at a faster rate because of the specific energy field you’ve created in your sacred space.
- Personalize your home. Create your own art and/or strategically place meaningful objects where you can see them. Use these objects as a reminder of the energy you want to achieve in your life.
The Positive Energy Home – Detailed
Our home is our haven, our retreat. It’s where we see our mate, family, and friends, and where we spend time alone. It’s where we can let our hair down, relax, celebrate, entertain, meditate, plan, reminisce, eat, sleep, love. It is our spiritual center. As an extension of our personal energy, it should remind us of where we want life to take us. If you long for simplicity, then your home should reflect that. If you are on a spiritual path, then let your home set the stage. Begin by creating an enchanted environment for yourself. You want to feel calm and happy here and you’ll find that by using color in a deliberate way you’ll be making your home energetically supportive – a joyful backdrop to your life..
To change the vibrational energy in your home, there are a few basic axioms to keep in mind.
Get rid of all clutter
It disturbs the mind on an unconscious level, lowering your tolerance for others and preventing you from radiating your inner light and joy.
Cleanse Use a sage stick to cleanse the house regularly and bring in fresh energy.
Be thoughtful about the objects you surround yourself with. This is not a question of economics, it is a question of choosing things that are meaningful to you. If you don’t like an object in your house it has to go, no matter how much it cost or who gave it to you.
Avoid what we call “poverty consciousness”
Hanging onto possessions because you feel that you never have enough promotes stale stagnant energy. Release and let go to allow new energy to come into your life.
Take care of your home.
When we take care of our surroundi.ngs we instantly enter a new state of awareness. Like Eastern monks tending their meditation gardns, we have a sense of satisfaction when we have undertaken and completed a project. The forward movement keeps us in the present, opening up our crown chakra.
Use color
There are not many rooms that take more than three days to paint and it is well worth it. Few symbolic fresh new starts are more powerful than changing the color of your room. We have personally found this to be the way out of many funks that can make the difference between feeling depressed and inspired. Changing the frequency of your environment changes the frequency of your situation. Also the commitment to, for example, painting a bedroom in a shade of green to energize your heart center and work on matters of love is exactly the kind of affirmation it takes to set growth in motion.
Always check in with your intutiton. Shut your eyes and ask yourself what color does this room need? . As you develop your sensitivity to subtle energies and begin to trust your instincts, you will find that they will never steer you wrong.
Making Color Choices
RED needs to be used judiciously as an interior color because it energizes and activates, evoking a very powerful response. It also makes a room appear smaller. When you want coziness and intensity, as perhaps in an entry hall or dining room, red can work well. Lush and tempting as it may be, red is a no-no for the bedroom. Red in the bathroom is also problematic: But burgundy is fine..
Because red activates our base emotions and primal instincts, it can cause us to act thoughtlessly or aggressively. So if you are living with red and find yourself prone to arguments and spats with your family or mate, change this color or use it sparing, balancing it with golden yellows or greens.
Amusement arcades and casinos deliberately use red to cater to our base instincts and promote feelings of excitement.
One red story I found especially touching is about a woman who was suffering from postpartum depression. Not feeling sexy was her biggest complaint. She told me that about three months after her daughter was born she had the urge to paint her bathroom red. I wondered if the bathroom was the only place she felt she could be alone with her husband and if she was unconsciously setting up a sex area just for them. The answer, to my surprise, was no. This was her place. She would spend hours in there rebuilding her sense of self and inner sense of sexuality. As her depression began to lift, she painted the window frames orange and yellow. She essentially had created a space where she could rebuild herself from the base chakra up. It was fascinating.
ORANGE, which also connotes strong feelings, has some of the same limitations as red for interiors. It stimulates appetite and is commonly used in fast food restaurants as is yellow. For the home, it needs to be used sparingly. For example, in our first apartment,Tony and I had an old, unfashionable couch that looked terrible. We bought an orange sheet to cover it hoping to lift our spirits. It seemed all right at first until one day I was overcome with the urge to get rid of it immediately; I was having a fit. Tony admitted that he’d been feeling antsy, too, so in no time, the orange sheet became curtains. The smaller amount of orange worked well on the windows creating a subtle glow in the morning light that encouraged activity. As for the couch, we covered it with a pale blue throw and were much happier—and calmer. All mistakes are just experiences that help to teach us what is good or bad for us personally, it’s all subjective, and it’s all trial and error.
YELLOW is good for a room where you read and/or work. It’s bright and uplifitng plus it stimulates the intellect and aids in strengthening your inner power and self esteem.
GREEN and BLUE are great for promoting relaxation and sound sleep and so naturally they are the colors we encourage for bedrooms. One friend of ours was suffering from insomnia. For months, she experienced a powerful urge to paint her bedroom deep green, an impulse that surprised her because dark green had never been one of her favorite colors. In the end, she decided to try it and she hasn’t had a night of insomnia since. Restful green was just what the doctor ordered.
Another friend, having recently suffered the loss of her father, felt compelled to paint her bedroom blue. What she didn’t realize at the time is that blue eases loneliness. She was listening to her body’s needs and benefiting from soothing blue energy to relieve her grief.
VIOLET is a receding color, and makes a room appear larger. Violet makes for a contemplative living space, ideal for bathrooms and dreamy bedrooms. We painted our bedroom area violet not only because it was very small but also because violet helps stimulate dreams and spirituality. I experienced an increase in lucid dreams and from these dreams got inspiration for some of our more unique nail colors. I would suggest painting a room violet when you are going through dramatic emotional periods of your life. It will help your connection with the universe and inspire you to listen to your body and what it needs.
WHITE. Since white carries an otherworldly quality, it needs to be balanced with pictures, plants, crystals and mirrors. White is a good choice when you want to make a room appear lighter and/or bigger as are all pastel colors.
The Color Correct Home
This blueprint for a vibrationally correct home will provide you with a starting point from which you may apply color in your own way. Check out your intuitive feelings against our color guidelines for specific rooms. But as a general guidline have lots of plants and flowers, lifeforce brings good energy. Keep your home free from clutter and filled with things you love.
The Entrance
First impressions are big impressions so the color that first welcomes people into your home is important. Red can indicate excitement and promise liveliness within. Blue may reflect a family with strong independent opinions. Green and pink announce warmth, perhaps a home where harmony and loving feelings are paramount. Yellow indicates a family where ideas and the intellect are valued. Hanging photographs of family and friends in the entrance is a welcoming touch and can also remind you of the love in your life when you come home after a long day.
The Living Room
When you think about it, the words “living room” make a big statement since where and how we live affect our energy system and our overall happiness. Unfortunately all too many living rooms aren’t lived in at all – they’re off limits to the family. We disapprove and believe the living room should always have a welcoming, lived in air and evoke a feeling of happiness and joy.
Warm colors are good choices for this room. Deep colors might make the room look smaller but they can have therapeutic effects as well. A deep burgundy might give a safe feel, a sexy feel. A burnt orange will promote sociability and sensuality and help bring conversations to an intuitive level. But in general, you’ll want to go with calming colors for your dominant color. A blue will stimulate conversation and calm the nerves. Green and blue is a good combination because it promotes loving communication and relaxation. You can use bright and stimulating colors in splashes, accessorizing with paintings, flowers, pillows, vases and throws.
Keep a strong and loving life force flowing in your home and especially in the living room.. Plants are great for energy and aesthetics. Crystals can purify and stimulate conversation. Your own artwork on the walls can be a source of inspiration and conversation. Photographs of you in a special moment will remind you that you are loved and have achieved. Your living room should reflect your life.
The Dining Room
Since eating is a time for connecting with friends and family, effective honest conversation can be stimulated with blues, violet, or a muted orange, one mixed with a blue or green. Reds and oranges will encourage a more romantic fiery mood. Eating can be a sensual time so deep burgundies, deep violets and greens or a burnt orange would work as well. It’s interesting that the bright oranges used in fast food chains promote sociability but don’t say relax and stay a while, whereas a darker, more muted orange does. The same is true for yellow. Whatever color you choose, colored votives can really lend the room a magical light.
The Kitchen
For many people, the kitchen is the most important room in the house — half the TV sitcoms take place in the kitchen. It’s where we meet and talk with our family and with friends, too. Maybe our social awkwardness prompts us to need a reason to be hanging out together and in the kitchen we have the reason, helping the cook. Cooking is so crucial to our energy system, not just in terms of what we are eating but in how we prepare the food. The energy that we put into food we cook is the energy we will be eating and sharing, so we want it to be positive. Color can aid in this process but there is no substitute for positive thought.
Keeping positive energy in mind, you’ll want to use colors that are warm and friendly. As basic general rules we’d stay away from bright or dark oranges, blue, red and unbelievably enough yellow. So many of us grew up with yellow kitchens!. Peach, apricot, coral and the like are good to use, as are other colors that are subtle. Strong bright colors can be intrusive and can stimulate strong emotion that may encourage negative interaction, rushed conversation, a lack of thoughtfulness and a lack of harmony.
I personally didn’t want to paint my kitchen so I’ve covered the walls with photographs of friends and other images that make me happy. I think a happy kitchen can help emotional eaters resist attempting to fill that hole they feel in their belly with food rather than with the love they are really craving.
The Bedroom
This room is our sanctuary, our safe place from the world where we can let go, visualize positive realities for ourselves, make love and of course sleep. Regardless of which of these activities is most important to you, we’ll say this, do not paint your bedroom completely red! We know a woman who did this because she loves the color so much and wanted to stimulate her lovemaking. Of course she’s an insomniac. For sexual energy, she could splash the room with red through trim or accessories but stick with blues and greens for getting a good night’s sleep.
You don’t want anything too powerful in the bedroom. In general we need to recharge our batteries here, refuel and balance our energy system. So the atmosphere should be balanced and calm. When we sleep our deep breathing puts us in a mind state that is open to suggestion. We become more receptive than we are in our nonsleeping state and can absorb the positive frequencies of colors more easily. Again, the light blues and greens seem to be the best choice but anything is ok as long as it’s soft. Add uplifting and nurturing energy with splashes of color.
We also want to mention aroma for the bedroom. Buy a diffuser to burn real essential oils or buy aromatherapy candles that have real essential oils in them. These scents affect us just as color does. Lavender is a general overall great choice to balance and relax. Bergamot is one of my favorites and the combination of both is great. I always have scents around; it really positively affects my system. Go to a department store or health food store and treat yourself to candles and oils. (But remember, only real essential oils are therapeutic.)
The babies room
Here you want to be very careful. You want to encourage response but you also don’t want to overstimulate. Studies conducted at Harvard have shown that black and white patterns stimulate mental processes and increase intelligence during the first few months of life; thus the black and white mobiles available for newborns. By about three months, babies respond to bright colors. Birren says yellow is usually the most enticing followed by white, pink and red. .But until the baby is eighteen months old, use these colors sparingly and stick to calming, nurturing pale pastels for the walls.
In general blue is a very healing color for infants and children. Pale blue, as the predominant color is best; its vibrations will subconsciously act on the infant helping to communicate needs. Use splashes of pale green and pink to promote unconditional love from the very beginning. Please don’t color discriminate by gender! We all need a balance of colors that include assertiveness and nurturing. So don’t deprive a boy of pink and green or a girl of blue. We need to start taking responsibility for eliminating gender specific stereotypes. They have no place in the new world.
Children’s Bedrooms
If you have a say in the matter, I’m sure you’d want to promote balance, self-confidence and the intellect but you may find the little person has ideas of his or her own. Just remember kids have a great innate instinct that guides them and we must respect that and allow the many inevitable phases to play out. But if you are allowed to contribute your two cents worth, just give them some of the information you’ve learned here and let them decide. You might actually go over the different color effects together and decide which colors would enhance your mutual goals and desires.
The Bathroom
This is the one place in the house where we are never disturbed and because of our immunity to interruption, we can relax. Even though blue is a relaxing color, too dark a blue can promote depression.so be careful about that. Light colors in the coral family are good. Place a plant or crystal in this room to counteract the draining of energy that happens when the water goes down the drain or is being flushed. No matter how small your bathroom may be, there is always ceiling room for a small green plant.
The Study
Whether your study is a room unto itself or a corner, you want to create a stimulating and relaxing environment. Yellow is good as a dominant color, blue is good for communication andcalm, splashes of white and blue will keep work flowing and avoid its becoming stale. Flowers and plants are helpful; you need life force around you for positive stimulati. Have books around that you’ve enjoyed and if you’re brave enough, put up painting or drawing of your own to remind you of your creative energy.
The Office
Color can be used in office spaces to increase productivity and focus. In work environments, warm blues can create an overly relaxed atmosphere that is not conducive to productivity and efficiency. On the other hand, certain strong, dark colors create chaos and distraction. Cool blues, greens and turquoise are good for office spaces; they don’t get in the way and they create an atmosphere of relaxed purpose.
Private Space or Altar
In ancient times there were many good luck symbols to bless a household and color was significant in each. In Ireland, Syria, India, Mexico and Constantinople the symbol of the red hand was used on a wall or door to shield the occupants from harm. In Jerusalem a blue hand was used for the same reason. I feel every alter should represent what connects you to your source energy and this can be anything…my home alter is very diverse.
Having a place you constantly return to for a specific reason creates a particular energy in that area. That’s why creating an altar and or a meditation area is so powerful. You don’t have to have a separate room for this purpose. Your special place can be any part of a room. Perhaps it is simply a chest covered in purple silk in the corner of your bedroom. Mine is.
Your altar is where you place things that remind you of your selflove and inner empowerment. It can be anything from a stone taken from a place where you had a spiritual experience to a picture to a crystal — whatever. My altar has objects I consider magical that have positive emotional memories for me of moments when I felt connected to myself and the universe.
It is said that wearing the same garment when spending time in your altar space adds to the spiritual energy of this area. When this is done repeatedly, just putting the garment on or sitting in your place will ignite a specific spiritual state of mind and centeredness. I often put on my blue silk Tibetan dress before I meditate. Violet is also a good color to wear. Whatever represents your personal spirituality is good. White will help you adapt to whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. Whether it be finding your inner beauty and power, alleviating stress, resolving a problem or just connecting with a higher positive force, it is important to be open to whatever it is your instincts guide you to do. Whenever I sit in my small place (I try for a minimum of three days a week) I feel the power and it fills me with joy.
If You Don’t Want to Paint
If you want to change the color energy in a room but find the idea of painting your walls too daunting, there are many other possibilities:
– Just paint your door or window frames
- Solarize the room with solarized water or transparent silk curtains.
- Wear color energy
- Do color visualization
- Do color meditation
- Take a color energy shower
- Place flowers in the room
- Use colored sheets
- Sleep with colored crystals
I’ve tried the curtains and found it a perfect alternative. Decide on the color you need and buy silk fabric making sure it’s opaque enough to block the view from outside and transparent enough to allow sunlight to penetrate. You want to create a glow. Let’s say you’ve decided on green fabric. During the day the sunlight will light the room with a green luminescence at the same time giving it green color energy. At night the color will be opaque but you’ll still have the green vibrations stored from the frequency of green light filling the room all day long..
Color Prescriptions
Social Room
Primary color: Muted orange to promote sociability and wisdom.
Secondary color: Blue for honest communication and/or green for love energy.
Splashes of: Violet for detachment and spiritual connection. Yellow to stimulate intellect
Intellect Room
Primary color: Yellow for heightened intellect.
Secondary: Blue for effective honest communication.
Splashes of: Orange for intuition and violet for detachment.
Relaxation Room
Primary color: Light blue or green.
Secondary: Light blue or green, opposite of whatever primary you pick.
Splashes of: Yellow for inner power, white to cleanse away anxiety and violet for relaxation and spirituality.
Spiritual room
Primary color: Violet. It will connect you to your higher self and your psychic self. Secondary color: White for cleansing the body, mind and spirit. Green for love energy.
Splashes of: Deep blue for meditation, pink for love, white, yellow and orange.
Unconditional Love Room
Primary color: Green, any shade as long as it’s not too light or too dark
Secondary color: Pink for more love and giddiness. White for cleansing, violet to bring spiritual love.
Splashes of: White to cleanse, blue to ease loneliness, orange for sensuality, red for sex.
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Learn more about her workshops: http://www.tonyandtina.net/self-care/mindful-self-care-workshops/
Learn more about energy medicine and what some of her clients have said: http://www.tonyandtina.net/energy-medicine-testimonials/