The Wayne Cook. Sit down with your right leg ankle over the left knee. Place your right hand over the bottom of your right foot and the left hand over the right ankle, holding it. If you look down it should look like your wrists are crossing over each other. While breathing in, lift your ankle in an upward motion so that you feel a little stretch and bring it back down on the exhale. If this is too hard for you, do what you can and it will be enough. It feels goofy at first but smile while you’re doing this – it adds to the emotional benefit of creating happiness. Do this on both sides at least three or four times, whatever feels right to you. Finish by bringing your hands together in a pyramid shape (finger together, palms apart) and placing your thumbs on your third eye (the space between your brows). Take three deep breaths and let go. This is going to help keep your energy unscrambled and will help if you are feeling overwhelmed. It clears the mind, enabling you to focus better and it’s especially helpful forpeople who are dyslexic, inarticulate or have a stutter.
The Wayne Cook